Thursday, August 30, 2012

7/29 8:40PM

On the plane-flight #2 to San Fran! There's a very overweight man 3 row's up looking and porn and maybe having a seizure...just kidding, but that's what it looks like. Looking at porn on a plane though...are you kidding me?!
I walked onto the plane--it's like the planes you see in movies-first class was spacious and great; I'm in cramped teeny seats. Oh well, I saved money! It reminds me of Bridesmaids a lot, when they fly to Las Vegas.
This flight was pretty delayed, so I hope I catch my next flight alright.

The beginning of my journal! July 29 5:21PM

This is finally the beginning of my journal from once I actually started to travel and no longer had access to a computer. I'm going to try and stay on top of updating this blog day by day. Although there will be a different date at the top of the post, I'll write the date and time of when I actually wrote the entry. Here we go! Also--I can't believe that the trip is now completed. Boo. I'm looking forward to writing my journal out and stumbling across things I've probably already forgotten. And I'll try to leave my entries as unedited as possible with the exceptions of grammar and spelling errors, also with the exceptions of additions. Basically, I'll try very hard not to take things out.

I'm sitting in between two bathrooms near my gate in New York City. There's a perfectly good outlet to charge up my camera! I flew out of Syracuse today instead of driving to NYC. I'm eating a bagel my mom got me this morning, trying to hold off on buying dinner until it's closer to my flight, which isn't until 8:15PM. I rode JetBlue over-they have individual TV's in every seat--it was wonderful!
My hair already looks crazy and the trip's barely begun
I wish I were traveling with someone so they could watch my bags while I walk around. My biggest concern at this point is that my checked bag find me again in Jakarta. I can only hope.
Also, I didn't cry when I left. Maybe I'm actually ready for this trip after all. I probably will cry when I get my Dad's note to me out to read. Right now it's tucked away in my carry-on being saved for a later hour.
Alex and my doppelganger's just walked by. 'Alex had the glasses, pale skin, longish black hair, kind of grumpy/curious look, dark green hoodie and khaki shorts. 'I' just had red hair...still! Maybe I see him in other people because I miss him already.
I think I'm clueless here, but then I see other people and feel much better. That's kind of's not too awful. They probably think I'm weird for sitting here!