Saturday, June 23, 2012

35 Days Left

Today's been a 'nervous day.' There have obviously been the 'super excited days' as well, but today I really thought about how in a little over a month I'll be flying away to Borneo on the other side of the world, for really. It's really happening. It's kind of scary! I bought bug spray today, the real stuff, cancerous deet. So far, with the exception of plane tickets and the program fee itself, this bug spray is the only preparation. Bug spray was what really made it hit home, I'm leaving for my first BIG adventure.

Paige left for Oswegatchie today after the family went to see Brave in theaters. She'll be home on Wednesday because we have a wedding to go to, but after that I'm not going to see her until Mom and Dad and her pick me up from the airport on the first day of my junior year. Worse, I'm not even going to really talk to her besides a few texts once a week when she goes into town during July. After July 31st though, I'm off-the-map. I'm hoping this time with no internet or connections to the rest of the world will make me realize how goofy things like facebook, pinterest and tetris are, because right now I'm an avid user, pinner and player!

I think for the days leading up, I'm going to write one positive thing, goal, quote, etc., that I can read before I go and maybe muster up some courage because right now, I'm as courageous as the Cowardly Lion.

For today--a song that will almost always make me smile and think of my family and has also been on my mind all night.
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on! 

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