Sunday, December 30, 2012

7/30 4:43 PM

After this post, I'm switching my time zone clock...I need to start living in Jakarta time. The longest flight of my life is nearly over! Over 200 free movies, bunches of TV series, countdown to arrival, and a camera showing me the outside of the plane all accessible in my seat. I watched the Hunger Games and The Lovely Bones. I tried to sleep but it's hard to sleep during the 'daytime.' I left over 24 hours ago but it doesn't feel like it.
I get sick when I think about how my family at home are just getting home from work and living my normal life. Between exhaustion and my usual homesick tendencies, I'm a wreck right now. It didn't hit until I was served yogurt from Buffalo, NY, which is way closer to home than I am now. I need to sober up, if you will, once I'm off this flight, because then it's off to Jakarta and on to meeting people. There's no room for mopey-Erin then. I cried a bit now, let's hope that's it for the rest of the trip. I need to be strong here. Also--it's not like I can go home (and why would I want to!?). I just need some time to adjust. Mom, Dad, Paige, Hunter, chickens--they're all still there and will be there. Alex and I have been through a LOT together, this is hard, but I feel like we've had harder. I have my claddagh ring for Alex, my duck stuffed animal for Paige, note from Dad, and my baby blanket for Mom-I'm good to go.
Only adventures and new friendships await! (And lots of pressure
17 minutes till Hong Kong.

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